Hello! My name is Reagan Hart, and I am the creator of this website. I started creating content for the internet during a pretty depressing time in my life. I was living abroad and felt so lonely and isolated. I was so dependent on my then-boyfriend, now husband, to do everything for me.
Funny story, one time we went to the gyno, and he had to come in the room with me and translate EVERYTHING that was going on… My feet were in the stirrups, and I was in all my glory. We had only been dating for eight months… #truelove.
I started blogging in Israel and fell off of the wagon for a bit. I started creating content again when we moved back to the United States by creating a YouTube Channel.

I try my best to live an organic, green, clean, sustainable, mindful lifestyle, but I don’t want to box this website into that space. Some aspects of my life are not sustainable; I drive a small SUV, not precisely a Prius or Tesla. I don’t always eat organic; I love my street tacos! My clothing isn’t all made from hemp and burlap. Oh, and I do think that SAFE chemicals do have a place in our households and cosmetics. With all of that said, I do try to live a better life. I do focus on consuming products that are better for the environment and my health. To sum it all up, I am not living the perfect life, but I think I am living a pretty damn good one!
As for this website thing, I may not have the computer/technology skills that I would like, but I am learning! I went to an esthetician school in my new city, and I have worked under every color of the rainbow in the beauty industry. My passions are writing, reading, my dogs, travel, clean beauty, healthy relationships, authenticity, and aesthetically pleasing outfits. I love to connect with other ladies and gentlemen on these topics, so never hesitate to reach out!
If you have any questions or want to chat, DM me on Instagram, or email me at [email protected].
~Blessings and Love~
Reagan Hart